What's happening at RareWares.
express加速器安卓版- minor quality improvements at low and high rates, some license text clarifications. - exhaleApp: slightly improved loudness calculation for low and high sampling rates. - exhaleLib: improved audio quality a bit for the lower and higher-rate CVBR modes. - License: removed references to BSD text, clarified disclaimer and contributor text.
2020-10-08Update includes fix for 8 and 64 kHz.
2020-09-30小车哎哟 v5.8.0 安卓手机版 - 盒子部落:今天 · 小车哎哟 app是御途网旗下有场景又好玩的车生活应用,是座驾、撩妹神器,拥有海量车场场景画、用车资讯和解读用车心里信息等。 讨厌!就知道你们这些人会看人家隐私。想了解我,下载APP后直接问我不就知道了嘛。 最新动态 车生活; { I v 神器“小车哎哟APP”开放企业级自媒 = Y S W v J # J ) 体平台 ...
2020-09-08This is a point release that includes NO changes to the encoding libraries. This release replaces the previous mpglib decoding library with the libmpg123 decoding library.
2020-08-28exhale, which is an acronym for "Ecodis eXtended High-efficiency And Low-complexity Encoder", is a lightweight library and application to encode uncompressed WAVE-format audio files into MPEG-4-format files complying with the ISO/IEC 23003-3 (MPEG-D) Unified Speech and Audio Coding (USAC, also known as Extended High-Efficiency AAC) standard. In addition, exhale writes program peak-level and loudness data into the generated MPEG-4 files according to the ISO/IEC 23003-4, Dynamic Range Control (DRC) specification for use by decoders providing DRC.
2020-07-10Full updates now available..
2020-07-07oggenc-2.88, oggdropXPd-1.9.2 and standard oggvorbis dll compiles updated to libogg 1.3.4 and libvorbis 1.3.7 - aoTuV-b03. Lancer and other library variants will follow shortly.
libvorbis 1.3.7 Update
2020-07-06oggenc-2.88, oggdropXPd-1.9.2 and standard oggvorbis dll compiles updated to libogg 1.3.4 and libvorbis 1.3.7. Other variants will follow shortly.
FLAC 1.3.3 git-ce6dd6b5
2020-06-12Compiles updated to the flac-1.3.3.git-ce6dd6b5. Intel-19, 32 and 64 bit compiles for Windows.
lame 3.100 Release
2020-04-09express加速器安卓_express加速器安卓在线观看-工成视频网:express加速器安卓视频在线观看 00:46 最新 神将传奇 神将传奇ol 加速器 演示 --疯狗安卓手游加速器 01:20 迅游手游加速器与华为、小米等多家公司达成合作 02:03 永久免费的网游加速器, 支持375个大型游戏, 手机和电脑都有! 01:52 怎样解决steam手机APP
2019-11-05RareWares pages are now securely served through SSL/TLS thanks to a brand new cryptographic certificate, courtesy of the fine people at Let's Encrypt. You can rest calm in the knowledge that your downloads are not being tampered by evil hackers while in transit to your computer.